Teeth Whitening Tips

More than a decade ago, people only knew of one way to have their teeth lightened and that was to go to the dentist and have it done professionally. It was quite a hassle especially for the busier social set. But as more people started showing real interest in having whiter sets of teeth, this prompted companies to create and sell different bleaching kits and it has been all the rage ever since. Sure, teeth whitening kits are cheaper but did you know that you could also use everyday household food items to help whiten your teeth? They are, of course, cheaper than the kits themselves.

In this article I will give you some basic teeth whitening tips which are used by people the world over. Some are age-old secrets that are being revisited by the huge number of people looking to have their teeth whitened. These teeth whitening tips are a sure win. Take a look below.

If you have yellowish teeth, a great whitening tip is to apply a mixture of lemon juice and salt to the yellow parts. This would bleach them and get rid of the dull color.

You can also use an orange peel, use the inner white part, to help give your stained teeth due to coffee or drinking tea a white shine.

If you have coffee stains on your teeth that have accumulated through out the year of coffee drinking, regularly brushing your pearly whites using a bi-carbonate paste would help lighten and eventually eradicate these stains.

Bay leaves are also a whitener. Dried and powdered by leaves can be turned into paste which you can apply to your teeth would give your choppers a white shine. A great teeth whitening tip is to combine the bay leaves with some orange peels for more effectiveness.

But how about if you are not a coffee drinker but instead a smoker? Are there any teeth whitening tips to help you bring back your natural teeth color? Why, yes! There most definitely are techniques on how you can lighten your teeth. But unlike some, yours could be a bit more difficult to lighten and many dentists would suggest for you to have it whitened professionally. But some dentists suggest for smokers to try using Crest WhiteStrips which is a great product though not as strong as the ones used by professionals.

You should also consider teeth bleaching where they lighten your teeth, not just get rid of the stains. In some cases, this could be a bit expensive so you should be ready to burn some cash if you really want to get your teeth back in top condition. Maybe, you should also consider quitting smoking and drinking coffee altogether. So there you have it, some basic teeth whitening tips for the people who are thinking about getting their teeth lightened. Remember that you have these 3 options but you should also check first with your doctor to find out which one is more suited to your teeth’s current condition.

3 ความคิดเห็น:

wiltonwinrow กล่าวว่า...

Hmm, you could also use baking soda as your toothpaste for teeth whitening. Hmm, lemon juice is effective in cleaning our teeth but it has a negative effect on tooth enamel. Are you confused with what to use? Better go to the dentist. LOL!

Wilton Winrow

Unknown กล่าวว่า...

Hi, nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic. Thanks for sharing. Cheers!

- The teeth whitening rockland

Unknown กล่าวว่า...

White makes your smile look attractive and you can buy teeth whitening products for making your smile look attractive.
calcium hydroxide paste
